A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Free: Food: Dough for baking (Forest Hills, Queens) - I have Dough (white flour) with yeast, which has risen, been mixed and is ready for baking . 6 small pieces, for rolls, have cinnamon and an egg wash on top. The big piece of dough can make 2 loaves or 6 small rolls. You can add things to it. My oven isn’t working so if you bake, they’re yours. Here are pictures of what I made in the past and what yours could look like. Esther. egn5@hotmail.com
Photo of free Food: Dough for baking (Forest Hills, Queens)
Photo of free Food: Dough for baking (Forest Hills, Queens)
Photo of free Food: Dough for baking (Forest Hills, Queens)
Free: Watches (Forest Hills, Queens) - 2 women’s watches. 1 with a thin black leather strap. Just needs a battery. 1 with a thin burgundy leather strap but doesn’t have a little knob on the right side to change the time so this is good for use for acting in a play. Both Leather bands in very good condition. Esther: egn5@hotmail.com
Photo of free Watches (Forest Hills, Queens)
Photo of free Watches (Forest Hills, Queens)
Request: Paper Shredder (Forest Hills, Queens) Expired - Small shredder. Preferably not too noisy. Esther egn5@hotmail.com Free: Books: fiction, paperbacks (Forest Hills, Queens) Gifted - All kinds used in high school: classics, romance, poets. Excellent writers: Maya Angelou, etc. Quality books: Frankenstein, Like Water for Chocolate, The Color of Water, miscellaneous. Many sets of books. Some one of a kind. Pick up in Kew Garden Hills. Take them to the Queens Library, 20 books a day; bring them to a thrift shop; read and enjoy! Hope you are interested! Free: Clothing: Men (Forest Hills, Queens) Gifted - Shirts (short and long sleeves) and some pants for a big guy. Casual clothes. A few bags of men's clothing. Free: Clothing: Women (Forest Hills, Queens) Gifted - Women's clothes: for summer, spring, some winter. Shirts (cotton, silk, etc.), dresses, pants. A bag of belts. Some evening gowns, knee length and floor length. Size: various, mostly 10 and above, some medium, some extra large. Style: many old fashioned styles. Let me know what you're interested in. Prefer that you take all the women's clothing, about 10 bags. Free: Kitchen: Non Stick Baking Spray (Forest Hills, Queens) Gifted - 4 cans, never used. Brands: Pam, Market Pantry (generic). Made with flour. Free: Coconut Oil (Forest Hills, Queens) Gifted - I have two big jars of organic coconut oil, 64 ounces. Brand: "Wildly Organic". Both never opened. Take one or both. I have used coconut oil for cooking, and it's great. Pickup at Yellowstone Park. Free: Women's Clothes (Forest Hills, Queens) Gifted - shirts: small and medium, mostly short sleeves. pants: jeans, mostly 10, some 8. Pickup at Yellowstone Park. Free: Cat accessories (Forest Hills, Queens) Gifted - 1. A cat bed. Soft on one side, velvet material on the other side. 2. A cat stand. Wood and rope. A bi heavy. Very good condition for both. Esther , Forest Hills. egn5@hotmail.com Pick up at Yellowstone Park/playground
Photo of free Cat accessories (Forest Hills, Queens)
Photo of free Cat accessories (Forest Hills, Queens)
Photo of free Cat accessories (Forest Hills, Queens)
Photo of free Cat accessories (Forest Hills, Queens)
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