Pekin Freecycle

Offers  and  Requests
Free: Weber Grill (Trails at Brittany) - About 5 years old. Has probably been used less than 50 times but has been lying outside. This is a two burner model that needs the regulator hose replaced. Some cleaning and it should provide a few years of service.
Photo of free Weber Grill (Trails at Brittany)
Photo of free Weber Grill (Trails at Brittany)
Free: Upright piano (Near Champaign Country Club) - Stuyvesant upright piano. It has a good sound when it’s in tune and we’ve had it and used it for more than 40 years but now mostly use an electronic keyboard instead. It needs tuned and certainly will even moreso after it’s moved. It’s free but you’ll have to take on moving expenses.
Photo of free Upright piano (Near Champaign Country Club)
Free: Queen size bed frame (Behind Casey's gas station) - White, alittle scratched but good condition, available for pickup now
Photo of free Queen size bed frame (Behind Casey's gas station)
Request: Women's clothing (Southeast side) - As my health is getting better, I have gained a healthy amount of weight. I am now in desperate need of clothes size 8-10 women's Request: scrap metal in Decatur area (Southeast side) - Will haul away for you. Will consider making the trip for anything substantial. Appliances welcome. If it's metal, I will take it away for you. These items will be taken to scrap yard to be sold [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ] Request: Supplies for making fairy gardens (Southeast side) - New to gently used preferred but some items would stand out wonderfully if worn out. Free: 35 MM archival negative preservers (In Champaign off Prospect) - 20 sheets of unused Print File negative preservers -- fits 3 ring binders Request: Small boxes (West Kankakee) - Looking for small boxes suitable for shipping, longest side 12inches or less. In Kankakee, Bourbonnais, Bradley, or Limestone area. Ty! Free: Piano (Woodland Knoles Homeowner Ass.) - Piano with bench
Photo of free Piano (Woodland Knoles Homeowner Ass.)