A variety of plants (Belmont TN35)

Having a plant purge and giving away the following:

IRIS: needs splitting, repotting or putting in ground. Flowers are yellow but not sure the variety. (Also some forget-me-not seedlings in the pot)

Amazing tall biennial which should flower next year then self seeds everywhere. Amazing for the bees!
Ideally needs to go in the ground or certainly a bigger pot. (comes with a little nasturtium stow-away)

ARUM LILY (Zantedeschia aethiopica) - perennial
Has flowered already but may flower again. Would probably be happier in the ground. Comes complete with self seeded erigeron (aka fleabane/Mexican daisy) and, I think, a pulsatilla.

NOTE: I'd like to keep the pots so will decant all; the above into old soil bags for collection.