Paint - taster pots (5) - for a craft project? (Ovingdean BN2)

We have five little taster pots of paint left after recently finishing redecorating. Decided they weren't what we wanted.

- 3 x Farrow and Ball: all three in various red brick/terracotta-ish shades (names are: "Incarnadine" - No 248; "Factory Red" - No 217; and "Blazer" No 212.) We think only one was ever opened, and a brush dipped in once to try it on the wall. The other two, we're pretty sure, were never opened.
- 2 x "Good Home" brand from B&Q. The colours are "Chueca" (a sort of soft mustard/sandy shade) and "Kilkenny" (a soft green shade.) Both were opened just once, and a brush dipped in once to try out.

Plus a cute little Farrow and Ball bag (pictured!)

Any use to anyone? Collection only.

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