Franklin piano (95126)

Do you know any students or music programs who would like a piano?

Someone we know is moving.

It needs a home by tomorrow or it will be donated to Goodwill. This is not my personal piano but I am reposting here for my colleague. Please do not respond to this Trash Nothing post, but call the number below. I will remove this post tonight.

"Here is a very nice piano that one of my ex-students is getting rid of because she's moving out of town on the 31st. I'm trying to find a home for it because the father Thomas is just going to scrap it which is just a shame it's quite a nice piano. It's a Franklin piano serial number 10163 it's all tuned and all repaired doesn't need anything he's giving it away, you will just need to have it moved. If you know anyone who would like this piano please let them know right away they should call Thomas Burch at 415-810-5227.

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