Kombucha Starter and SCOBY (Downtown Galt)

There are LOTS of sites on-line explaining the benefits of slightly fermented tea and if you’ve tried it, either you enjoy the taste immensely, or find it repulsive (a bit like folks who either love cilantro or it tastes like soap to them).
I make two batches/week (one from black tea and one from green tea) for my household of three people. Two of us LOVE it and my husband REALLY doesn’t!
But if you think you might like to have some starter, recipes, and tips, I’d be happy to spread the joy.
I suggest, in preparation for receiving this starter kit, you find/acquire and thoroughly clean a GLASS (not plastic or metal) wide-mouth jug in which to ferment your tea. An old-style glass canning jar, or large pickle jar would do. The larger the jar the more kombucha you’ll make. A week later you will need some glass bottles with porcelain and rubber flip-tops in which to store your finished kombucha in the refrigerator.

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