Car (big ask, I know!) (Porthmadog LL49)

OK, so the biggest ask ever, I understand!
I've had to send my dangerous car back to the finance company as I didn't feel safe carrying my kids around in it, particularly my 7½ month old. As such, I'm now without a car, and being on maternity leave I can't get another finance deal. Does anybody have a car sitting not being used, please? I'm happy to pay tax and insurance, but unfortunately don't have the finances outright to buy to purchase another vehicle. Living on my own with my 3 growing boys, there isn't another vehicle in the household for me to use.
Obviously, it needs to be either MOTd, or in a state where I can put it through an MOT and it will pass, and big enough to carry me and my three boys.

I'll be happy to travel to collect, and I realise that this is a massive, MASSIVE ask! It just needs to get me through till October when I'll be back at work and receiving full wages again.

Many thanks for your consideration.

07855513015 (text or WhatsApp best, but if you want to call please leave a message if I don't answer)