Dell Inspiron Mini (Withington M20)

If you want this little laptop please include your postcode in your reply. If you don't include your postcode I shall assume you don't really want it. Also you need to be able to pick up on Saturday afternoon 16 December between 3 and 5 or Sunday afternoon between 4 and 5.
I'm not sure as to the longevity of the battery. It didn't work at all when I was first given the machine but it seem to work now - I wouldn't trust it to last all day at the library though.
It has a 10 inch screen, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, atom 270 processor running at 1600MHz, a soundcard, 3 USB ports, 1 ethernet port, 1 card reader port (but I don't know what cards it reads), 1 headphone socket, a separate microphone socket and an SVGA port for an external monitor. The Windows installation was broken so I installed Linux Q4OS.
I shall wait until Thursday before I decide who gets the machine and you need to be able to pick up on Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
Included with the machine is a padded bag.

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