flat steel or aluminium sheet (HX2)

A few weeks ago, I opened a YouTube channel about DIY, electronics repair, etc. Due to lack of space, as I record videos in a room measuring 188cm x 170cm, I decided to modify some of the equipment to place it in standard 19" rack cases. The creation of this will also be on my videos. For this project I need old rack devices or sheets of steel 1-1.2mm or aluminum 2-3mm.
The size I need:
- width ~520cm (side ~44mm + shelf 435mm + side ~44mm)
- height ~37cm (front 44.45mm + shelf 280mm + back ~44mm)
It would be great if someone could give me a few pieces of sheet metal of this size. My viewership is increasing, so if the donor is a company, I will be happy to mention that they are a sponsor.
Can you help with this request?
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