Computer / Computers (Walter's Ash HP14)

I am now retired and my hobby is collecting, repairing and restoring old computers. The older the better! Broken and not working? I still want them! Also any computer parts you no longer want would be useful. I can collect upto about 30 miles around High Wycombe or further for interesting items. I am mainly looking for computers from the 70s 80s and early 90's like>

Tandy (Radio Shack),
CP/M Machines,
Early pc's (8bit / 16bit era 8086 8088 80286 80386)
And many others...

Also any floppy disks,floppy drives, add-ons or parts ect are allways useful.

If you have any more modern computers Please let me know the model/make or maybe send a picture as I may still be interested.

Thanks Dave.
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