renaissance (Bivalve, Md. 21 814)

I once wrote “ My name is Marth. Life is so short. At 77 yrs. of age I still want to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in my own life too.
Every morning there is a new sunrise
A chance to change the world with a little of our lives...
     one word at a time thru faith, gratitude, growth and giving.”
But this year- I need your willing spirit and some encouragement.
Please share with me your houseplant cuttings or slips, fruit or vegetable garden starts, bulbs, wild ground covers, seed packets.
I just can’t seem to rally- hard as I try.
I am so grateful for any donations.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💗
21160 Bivalve Lodge rd.
Bivalve,MD. 21814
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