Massive bundle of kid stuff/crafts (N17, London)

Pick what you want or take them all!

I would recommend you bring a car or get a Taxi.


- Maths practise books
- Light up mirror
- Sensory pillow
- Craft storage and craft items
- Hair clips and bobbles
- Blond clip on hair piece
- Badges and key rings
- Make up bag
- Books
- Mud and Bloom craft bits
- Mosaic grout and tile cutter
- 3D Hologram visualiser
- Water painting mat
- Fluffalump (or something like that lol)
- Pom Pom maker
- Unicorn picture
- MEL Science items

Please bring your own bag as I need this bag.

Priority goes to whomever can collect the quickest due to lack of space (decorating), especially if you can collect tonight up to 11:30pm.
Collection Times
Most days from morning to evening