A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: Projector screen (Birmingham B18) - Hi I need a projector screen for a theatre project I'm working on? Free: Art stuff (Birmingham B18) Gifted - My Dad had a lot of oil paints and boards to paint on, needs a new home. Collection only B18
Photo of free Art stuff (Birmingham B18)
Photo of free Art stuff (Birmingham B18)
Request: Giant Teddy Bear (Birmingham B18) Received - Hello, I run a small theatre company and we are looking for a large teddy bear that we can use in our next show. Doesn't matter if he/she has a few issues as we will be doing some surgery on him/her anyway.
Photo of Giant Teddy Bear (Birmingham B18)
Request: Cordless Phone (Birmingham B18) Received - Hello I need to get hold of a cordless phone, mine has stopped working and I can't afford to buy one right now. Don't need answer machine, but need a phone in the bedroom, and can't run a cable to it. Request: Computer Monitor (Birmingham B18) - Help! My Computer monitor got dropped the other weekend and does not look very well. I can't afford to buy a new one at this time - does anyone have a working screen I could take off your hands? Does need to be HDMI. Happy to collect.
Photo of Computer Monitor (Birmingham B18)
Request: Small Noticeboard (Birmingham B18) Expired - Hello I am looking for a cork notice board, or a magnetic one for a game I want to play. Happy to collect.
Photo of Small Noticeboard (Birmingham B18)
Request: Foldaball trolley (Birmingham B18) Expired - Hi I have to move a lot of equipment, and could really do with a trolley that folds up for travel? Picture shown is an example.
Photo of Foldaball trolley (Birmingham B18)
Request: PA System (Birmingham B18) Expired - Hello I know this is a long shot - I am looking for a PA System (picture just an example) I run a small theatre company and we would like to put shows on, but our current system does not have enough power. If you have an old system that needs a new home? We would be delighted to collect.
Photo of PA System (Birmingham B18)
Request: Tv 32" or Bigger (Birmingham B18) Received - Hello, my TV has died, and I don't have the funds to replace it right now. If anyone has a Spare TV I can collect. Thank you in advance x Request: Office Chair (Birmingham B18) Received - Hello my office chair has decided it has had enough, the wheels have fallen off, and I don't think I can fix her anymore. Does anyone have a Desk Chair they no longer need, I just can't afford to replace it at this time. Request: Suit/dress carriers (Birmingham B18) Expired - Hello I am in need of some strong suit/dress carriers for an act I am creating. I need to transport costumes and the ones I brought are just not up to the job. (Picture just an example, doesn't need to be quite so posh.)
Photo of Suit/dress carriers (Birmingham B18)
Request: Suit/dress carriers (Birmingham B18) Expired - Hello I am in need of some strong suit/dress carriers for an act I am creating. I need to transport costumes and the ones I brought are just not up to the job. (Picture just an example, doesn't need to be quite so posh.)
Photo of Suit/dress carriers (Birmingham B18)
Request: Small Old Suitcase (Birmingham B18) Received - Hello I am looking for an old style suitcase (You know the cardboard/leather type, like in the war the picture is an example) this is for a theatre project I am working on. Doesn't have to lock, but obvilously stay shut. Not to worried about colour. Thank you in advance x
Photo of Small Old Suitcase (Birmingham B18)
Request: small sink on or off pedestal (Birmingham B18) Expired - This is for a play that we are doing and doesn't even matter if it is cracked. Request: Large Wall Clock (Birmingham B18) Expired - Hello I need a large wall clock for a play that I am doing, we are a not-for-profit organization and the budget is tight, would be grateful for any help. Free: Doble Metal bed frame (Birmingham B18) Gifted - I was gifted this about a year ago, but have just been gifted a nice solid wood bed so need to move this on. It needs to be gone today.
Photo of free Doble Metal bed frame (Birmingham B18)
Request: Pet Cage (Birmingham B18) Expired - Pet Cage/Crate Hello I have two kittens one has to have an operation on Sunday and I will need to keep her safe from her Brother while her stitches heal - does anyone have a pet cage that I could either have or borrow for a few weeks to get her safely through? Free: Set of side plates bowls and plates (Birmingham B18) Gifted - A set of 6 Side plates, 6 Bowls & 5 Dining plates. I don't need them anymore. In good condition must go soon please.
Photo of free Set of side plates bowls and plates (Birmingham B18)
Request: Teapots and or Tea Cups and saucers (Birmingham B18) Expired - Hello, I am looking for as many teapots tea cups, and saucers as I can get hold of to do a display at a party. Any offers gratefully received x Request: Kitten Stuff (Birmingham B18) Expired - Hey I am getting a kitten in a few weeks time, save wasting money, does anyone have some kitten stuff they no longer need? I could put it to good use 😉 Free: Black leather reclining chair (Birmingham B18) Gifted - This faux leather recliner is hardly used. I need the space hence why I am moving it on. Splits into two parts for transportation. Needs to go ASAP!!
Photo of free Black leather reclining chair (Birmingham B18)
Photo of free Black leather reclining chair (Birmingham B18)