A Members' Posts

Offers Β andΒ  Requests
Request: 4 man tent or bigger (March) Expired - Hi does anyone have a 4 man tent or bigger please? My kids would like to try camping this year with their grandad. Thank you 😊 Request: Tonne bags (March) Received - Hi I recently bought 2 big wooden crates to use as raised beds as I can't bend down. They need lining so I thought those tonne bags might be good. Does anyone have any please? I would appreciate it if so. Thank you 😊 Request: Powered wheelchair/battery pack (March) Expired - Hi I know it's a long shot but does anyone have an adults powered/electric wheelchair? Or one of those battery packs with a wheel that fits ti a wheelchair to give the pusher some help. Please thank you 😊 Request: Washing machine (March) Received - Hi I'm looking for a working washing machine please ,as ours is now packed up . If anyone could help we would really appreciate it . Thank you Free: Oscillating exercise machine (March) Gifted - If anyone would like this it's been taken to pieces. I'm disabled and can't use it anymore . I think one of the arms was wobbly but im sure someone can sort it. The base is quite heavy. Would like it gone ASAP please
Photo of free Oscillating exercise machine (March)
Request: Garden table n chairs (March) Received - Hi I'm hoping some can help me .im looking for garden furniture please. Table and chairs if anyone has anything they no longer need please I would really appreciate it 😊 Request: Raised beds/big crates (PE15) Expired - I'm also looking for some raised beds so I can try to grow veg in. I'm disabled so can't do gardening in the ground . If anyone is getting rid of big crates or something like that I think that would be good. My husband can collect during the day he works nights at the moment Thank you Request: Garden furniture (PE15) Received - Hi I'm looking for garden furniture please. Table and chairs or sun lounger,bench if anyone has anything they are looking to gift I would really appreciate it 😊 My husband can collect during the day he works evening and nights. Thank you