A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: Camping mat (South Dublin) Expired - Hello, If anyone has a camping mat lying around they don’t need, I would love to make use of it, thanks, Wendy Free: Selection of acrylic and wool yarn (South Dublin) Gifted - A mixture of wool and acrylic yarns
Photo of free Selection of acrylic and wool yarn (South Dublin)
Photo of free Selection of acrylic and wool yarn (South Dublin)
Request: 2 Adult tennis rackets (South Dublin) Received - Does anyone have 2 spare adult tennis rackets? I’d like to get back into tennis with a friend. If you have 2 that aren’t being used I would love them! Request: Speaker to plug into phone/laptop (South Dublin) Received - Hi I am looking for a speaker which does not have Bluetooth but instead attaches to the phone or laptop with a cable. If anyone has one they would like to go to a good home I would be so grateful. Request: Dustpan and brush (South Dublin) Expired - A spare dust pan and brush would be greatly appreciated if you have an extra one lying around. Request: spider plants/palms/peace lily (South Dublin) Received - hello, I have a mouldy room and am looking for some indoor plants to help with removing moisture and moud if anyone has any to spare. I am particularly looking for english ivy, spider plant, palms, peace lily thanks Request: salt lamps (South Dublin) Expired - Hello I have a damp room and mould is forming and am looking for salt lamps to help with absorbing some moisture. If anyone has a spare it would be greatly appreciated, thanks Request: Plastic barrels or bins (South Dublin) Expired - Hi I am looking for any large bin or bins or barrels for collecting rainwater. If you have anything lying around you think might suit would be great, Thanks Wendy Request: Cloth napkins (South Dublin) Expired - Hello does anyone have any cloth napkins that they aren’t using? I’m trying to convert my family to using them instead of paper napkins or tissues Request: Small tent (South Dublin) Expired - Hello would anyone have a small tent lying around? I gave my last one away years ago thinking I wouldn’t want to camp again but now have the urge again.