A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: Spirit level - pocket size (Chesterfield S41) - Usually comes in a silver-coloured metal capsule..Thanks for looking, L Request: clip-on shades for hubby's prescription glasses (Matlock DE4) Withdrawn - Had a pair of clip-ons that broke, looking to replace them if poss. Thanks for looking Request: small transistor radio working on AA batteries (Matlock DE4) Withdrawn - Primary worker needs one. Thank you kindly for looking, Request: small mains lead DAB radio (Chesterfield S41) Withdrawn - Hubby needs x1 for work , after breaking new one I'd bought, by knocking it off kitchen counter!!! Request: Clip-on shades (Chesterfield S41) Expired - ..to go over hubby's prescription glasses..:) Free: Gu/Ramekin type glassware pots/jars (Chesterfield S41) Expired - Remember a lady wanted for candle-making - got x10..Need good clean: some in garden..got algae growth; some need degreasing/good scrub from kitchen Free: Food mags (Chesterfield S41) Expired - Old food mags: slimming world; healthy living etc... 2011 onwards..some never seen just removed packaging.. Request: small spirit level in silver casing (Chesterfield S41) Expired - My late father had one & it's gone missing so I'd really like to have one to remind me of him. (And also to help to level the small caravanette we have) Thanks for looking :) Request: Tinsel/Xmas tree decorations (Not glass!)- wood/plastic (Chesterfield S41) Expired - Tinsel & Xmas tree decorations but not glass; preferably wood/plastic as for school! Request: Heater (Chesterfield S41) Received - Someone in Glapwell got a broken down boiler - I'm lending her my van fan heater but fear she needs more..When I looked to see if I still had 2 bar in attic, I realised I must've chucked it ages ago. She's coming tonight so if any superstar out there in Freegleland can help out, I'm sure she'd be obliged..I'm central Ch'fd by college.... Request: Potty/training toilet seat (Matlock DE4) Expired - Friend asked to post for grand-children. Thanks in advance for looking & in anticipation of kind donation Request: Potty/Toilet training seat (Chesterfield S41) Expired - Friend just asked me to post for grand-kids. Thank you in advance for looking & in anticipation of any possible kind donation :) Request: Crochet mags (Chesterfield S41) Expired - For a fellow freegler Request: Garden parasol/umbrella wood piece (Chesterfield S41) Expired - Ours snapped off yesterday!! LOL, at the table entry point - rotted through..Don't suppose anyone has that section spare from one themselves??? Kindest regards, Libby :) Request: Sturdy Windbreak (Chesterfield S41) Expired - I left ours in my sister's caravan & she won't give back!!! Thanks for looking; appreciate help finding, Kindest L Request: Large Magnifyingglass (Chesterfield S41) Received - Mine has just broken!! It was very old - metal surround snapped..Thanks for looking, L Request: Roofing Felt piece (Chesterfield S41) Received - Shed leaking - need 6 foot long & whatever standard size wide for leaky half of roof??? Thanking you for reading & any kind response. Request: Anything Pokemon related (Chesterfield S41) Expired - Autistic students wishing for any memorabilia relating to Pokemon eg cards, plushes, any item with logo, old X-box games etc..Thanks for looking, L :)
Request: MP4 player charger (Chesterfield S41) Expired - Lost mine! Thanks for looking, Libby :) Request: ipod connector (Chesterfield S41) Expired - lightening connnector to 30 pin for a Nano 7 ipod...Kids!!! (missing /lost items need replacing) thanks for looking, L Request: Microwave - basic (Chesterfield S41) Received - Mine gone! No power..thanks for reading, Libby Request: old Apple iphone charger (Chesterfield S41) Received - Kids lost mine!! thanks, Libby Request: integrated CD/car radio (Chesterfield S41) Expired - JVC one I had has gone kerputt....Too modern & scrap ones are coded to car & often not given with car.. also, aware that different size - it's slimline about 15 cms x3??? Grateful for sound advice, Kindest regards Free: Lois curtains (Chesterfield S41) Gifted - A pair of curtains with pleated tops. Good quality material and fully lined. The length is 125cm but there is a hem on them that can be let down. The full width of the curtains at the bottom is 183cm and the top with the pleats is 183cm.
Photo of free Lois curtains (Chesterfield S41)