A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: Bookshelf (Marsh LA1) - Am looking for a bookshelf, doesn't have to be identical to the one in the image, but one that is fairly substantial.
Photo of Bookshelf (Marsh LA1)
Request: Family Bible (Capernwray LA6) - Looking for those big old family bibles because I collect them. Any condition. Don't chuck them away, I will take it off you. :)
Photo of Family Bible (Capernwray LA6)
Request: folding table (Marsh LA1) - Am looking for a folding table at least 5 feet in length. Preferably that doesn't fold in half but let's see what you have.
Photo of folding table (Marsh LA1)
Request: Large darkroom photography tray (Marsh LA1) Withdrawn - I'm looking for a very large tray that is used in photography darkrooms. It has to be just a bit bigger than A2 paper size (16-1/2 x 23-3/8 inches or 420 x 594 mm.) Request: Laptop (Marsh LA1) Received - My laptop is falling apart. Please does anyone have a spare one or an oldish one that works well with wifi on it? Preferably Windows but Chromebook or Linux is good too. Free: Earth wire (Marsh LA1) Gifted - Unopened Wickes Earth wire. Size 10.0 mm(2). 10 metres. Suitable for cross earth bonding. BASEC approved. 6491X.
Photo of free Earth wire (Marsh LA1)
Request: broken, lutes, violins, sitars, lyres (Marsh LA1) Received - Looking for unwanted, broken, old guitars, lutes, violins, sitars, lyres, wooden whistles/recorders, harps for art projects. Request: Matt paint (Marsh LA1) Received - I'm looking for any leftover matt paint, mainly brightish colours but also black and brown. I am painting a mural on the wall. I can collect. :) Request: Hessian sacks/Onion string bags (Marsh LA1) Received - Am looking for sacks or/and string bags to store onions, potatoes and other produce from my allotment. Do you have any? I would be eternally grateful. :) Request: jars or bottles (Marsh LA1) Received - I plan to make a load of jams and fruit jellies and would be very grateful if anyone has any suitable jars or bottles. Request: Large darkroom photography tray (Marsh LA1) Expired - I'm looking for a very large tray that is used in photography darkrooms. It has to be just a bit bigger than A2 paper size (16-1/2 x 23-3/8 inches or 420 x 594 mm.) Request: Food Blender (Marsh LA1) Received - Would love a blender (one that blends soups/smoothies), not a hand held one though, but one that you can fill up with water/liquid.