A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Free: Egyptian Themed Wallpaper Border Rolls (Thornhill FK8) - 4 x rolls of Egyptian themed wallpaper border - 2 rolls unopened and 2 opened but do not remember using any of them. Length 16.4' (5 m) x 26 cm H. Quite a novel and fun decor for those with an interest in ancient history.
Photo of free Egyptian Themed Wallpaper Border Rolls (Thornhill FK8)
Free: Fir Tree (jaggy needles species) (Thornhill FK8) Withdrawn - I have a fir tree striving to survive in my garden which deserves a better place to be than I've been able to give it. It is looking a bit ragged around the middle but the bottom and top reaches are healthy and trying to grow but space is minimalist around here. It is around 6-8 ft tall and I have grown it from a sapling. A long shot but if anyone feels that they not only have the ability to uproot it (sorry cannot do on own) but also take it to a better place I would be very grateful and happiest for the tree.
Photo of free Fir Tree (jaggy needles species) (Thornhill FK8)
Photo of free Fir Tree (jaggy needles species) (Thornhill FK8)
Free: Rowan Tree Sapling (Thornhill FK8) Expired - Better home sought for young Rowan sapling tree - c 5 ft tall - easily uprooted for replanting. Garden is too small for growing to adult size and would have a better life elsewhere. Please bring own bag/container as I need to hold on to pot.
Photo of free Rowan Tree Sapling (Thornhill FK8)
Photo of free Rowan Tree Sapling (Thornhill FK8)
Free: Old Victorian Tea Chest (Thornhill FK8) Expired - I have a proper old ship's tea chest measuring 61 cm H x W 51 cm x 41 cm D - though realise not most people's cup of tea 😁 a shot in the dark as possibly being an item quirky enough for an art project? I know of one that had castors put on the base and made into a garden planter although situated undercover as not suitable to withstand wet weather. A craftsman/artistic person could reline the inside and reinforce and paint the outside. A shade shabby but it is very old.
Photo of free Old Victorian Tea Chest (Thornhill FK8)
Photo of free Old Victorian Tea Chest (Thornhill FK8)