A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: Toy storage (Brighton BN2) Expired - My friend has just moved in to my building and currently has nowhere to put her bubbas toys and they are currently in one corner of the room preferably nearest to my location
Photo of Toy storage (Brighton BN2)
Photo of Toy storage (Brighton BN2)
Free: 5 invites (Brighton BN2) Expired - 5 party invites left plus envelopes for them
Photo of free 5 invites (Brighton BN2)
Request: Car seat (Brighton BN2) Expired - In need of a car seat aged 1 and up preferably with the straps Request: Art supplies (Brighton BN2) Expired - Looking for art supplies such as easel, flip chart, pens, pencils, paints etc My 13 year old sister in law is an amazing artist for her age and I’d like to encourage her to do more of it Request: Baby float (Brighton BN2) Expired - My 9 month old is enjoying swimming but he’s a little too heavy for me to hold for over an hour while he learns Request: Cot bumpers (Brighton BN2) Expired - My boy is getting a cot on Monday and could use some cot bumpers as he’s a very wriggly sleeper Free: Travel cot (Brighton BN2) Gifted - Only used a couple times Need gone soon as takes up too much space Free: Chair (Brighton BN2) Expired - Light blue grey and brown no longer use it’s just taking up too much space Free: Baby bath seat (Brighton BN2) Expired - Needs a clean as been in storage for about 5 months other than that good condition Free: Travel cot (Brighton BN2) Expired - Only used a couple times it was second hand to me so not asking for any money Free: High chair (Brighton BN2) Expired - Attachable high chair so it attaches to a dining room chair it’s a cream colour only used once but didn’t fit right on our chair Request: Ball pit balls (Brighton BN2) Expired - Any ball pit balls will be perfect my friends baby loves the ball pit but she can’t find any free ones near us and cannot afford to get a brand new lot Request: Cot mattress (Brighton BN2) Expired - Preferably one that will fit in a travel cot for the time being Free: Pregnancy pillow (Brighton BN2) Expired - No longer need Collection near the level Request: Stitch items (Brighton BN2) Expired - My niece absolutely adores stitch I was hoping someone could pass on some stuff I could gift to her for her birthday Request: stitch (Brighton BN2) Expired - My niece absolutely adores stitch I was hoping someone could pass on some stuff I could gift to her for her birthday Request: Weaning items (Brighton BN2) Received - Looking for a fruit feeder and possibly plates and cutlery for my 8 month old Request: Harry Potter items (Brighton BN2) Expired - Any Harry Potter items for my litter sister she’s turning 14 and is obsessed with Harry potter
Request: 9-13 months boy (Brighton BN2) Received - Boys clothes 9-12 months onwards please Request: 6-9 month girl clothes (Brighton BN2) Received - My niece is in need of as much clothes as we can get for her her parents are struggling and can use all the help possible Request: 3-6 month baby girl (Brighton BN2) Received - Any 3-6 month baby girl clothes for my niece within walking distance or possibly delivered to me on islingword road Request: Newborn/0-3 months things for a baby (Brighton BN2) Received - Looking for some bits to gift to a friend at her gender reveal preferably gender neutral would need before 26th of feb Request: Baby bath seat (Brighton BN2) Received - If anyone has a baby bath seat within walking distance from elm grove would be much appreciated. My 7 month old keeps trying to sit up in the bath but hasn’t quite mastered sitting up alone yet
Photo of Baby bath seat (Brighton BN2)
Request: Violet purple ties (Brighton BN2) Received - For a funeral Request: Violet ribbons (Brighton BN2) Received - Needed by 20th jan for a funeral for partners grandma Request: baby Bottles (Brighton BN2) Expired - Precisely ones for a 6 month old to have formula in that he can attempt to hold the bottle himself Request: Kids suitcase (Brighton BN2) Expired - Boys suitcase needed before 20th for my 6month old to go away for Christmas Request: 6-9 months+boys clothes (Brighton BN2) Received - Anywhere within walking distance of elm grove would be perfect