A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: Lamp (Roughton NR11) Expired - I’m looking for floor lamps or table lamps in working order to add to a primary school classroom - just makes things calmer if we can turn off those overhead strip lights! Thanks in advance. Request: Breakfast bar (Roughton NR11) Expired - I’m trying to add a homelike feel to a primary school classroom by changing up some of the tables. A breakfast bar and tall stools would be amazing if anyone is having re-fit.
Photo of Breakfast bar (Roughton NR11)
Request: Butter Churner (Roughton NR11) Expired - Does anyone have one of those butter churning jars gathering dust in their cupboard?…I want to make butter with primary school children to support a food project. Greatly appreciated if anyone is having a kitchen clear out. Request: Artificial Plants (Roughton NR11) Expired - Any artificial greenery you’ve got bored of? Trying to make a primary school classroom more “green” - add some easy to look after plant life.
Photo of Artificial Plants (Roughton NR11)
Request: Rhubarb plants (Roughton NR11) Received - I really fancy growing my own…does anyone have any spare they have dug up?
Photo of Rhubarb plants (Roughton NR11)
Request: Bar table / chairs (Roughton NR11) Received - Looking for a high table, like a kitchen breakfast bar - with or without chairs. I want to add a different seating choice area in a primary school classroom.
Photo of Bar table / chairs (Roughton NR11)
Request: house bricks (Roughton NR11) Expired - I need a handful of house bricks to raise a coldframe off the ground. It’s for our adopted tortoise 🐢 so he can have an outdoor “warm” space. If anyone has any just sitting around. Thanks
Photo of house bricks (Roughton NR11)
Request: Balls of Wool (Roughton NR11) Expired - I’m looking for balls of wool - any colour/thickness. It’s for a primary school art project where the children will be weaving. Anything is useful - the more the better! Many thanks in advance
Photo of Balls of Wool (Roughton NR11)
Request: Chunky DRIFTWOOD (Roughton NR11) Expired - I’m looking for a chunky piece(s) of driftwood to use as a display focus for some children’s eco work in a small primary school. Thanks in advance.
Photo of Chunky DRIFTWOOD (Roughton NR11)
Request: Coldframe (Roughton NR11) Expired - I’m looking for a coldframe to grow salad leaves etc under… Request: Garden Bistro table (Roughton NR11) Expired - I’m looking for a small bistro style table for the wild garden of a primary school? Preferably a metal one (no glass) for safety. With chairs or without. Thanks
Photo of Garden Bistro table (Roughton NR11)
Request: Paste Table (Roughton NR11) Expired - I’m looking for a paste table that I can use for a craft fair