A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: 2 tablets (Holyoke ma) - Looking for anyone getting rid of 1 or 2 tablets that I can use for my kids Request: Car battery (Holyoke ma) - Looking for a car battery that's used but still has some life left in it that will fit a 2008 Chrysler 300 LX Request: Couch cushions/throw pillows (Holyoke ma) Withdrawn - Two fit this couch and one other one that's the same but seats three instead of two would need dropped off in Holyoke ma thank you also looking for some throw pillows
Photo of Couch cushions/throw pillows (Holyoke ma)
Request: ferret cage (Holyoke ma) - Would need dropped off in Holyoke car is currently out of commission till it gets fixed. Request: Dog crate for a big dog (Holyoke ma) Received - Looking for a crate that will comfortably hold an extra large dog he is a puppy now but will be big so hopping some one will have one laying around they might not need anymore thank you Request: Air conditioner (Holyoke ma) Received - I'm looking for about 3 air conditioners hopping some one has a few that they are getting rid of that work I can pick up I do have a car so that isn't an issue thank you Request: House hold items (Holyoke ma) Expired - Kitchen/bedroom/bathroom/living room anything would help rather get used then spend money to buy new thank you Request: Cat food cat litter (Holyoke ma) Expired - I take in/ feed stray cats and I'm in need of cat litter and cat food also possibly other cat supplies I like to make little cat out door huts for the winter for the strays that I can't take in so anything helps thanks you Request: Baby gates/ hangers/house hold stuf (Holyoke ma) Expired - Dropp of in holyoke if anyone has any they don't need anymore Request: House plants (Holyoke ma) Expired - Anyone have any house plants they don't want anymore dropp of in holyoke ill take care of them Request: Kids toys (Holyoke ma) Expired - Ages 5 girl,7 boy,10 girl dropp off in holyoke Request: Cat litter, cat food and dog food (Holyoke ma) Expired - Dropp of in holyoke Request: Blankets and rugs (Holyoke ma) Expired - Looking for some warm blankets and few rugs if anyone has any they are looking to get rid of also other house old goods would need dropped of in holyoke on south bridge st thanks Request: Dog food and cat food (Holyoke ma) Expired - Anyone have any dog food or cat food they don't need that they would be willing to drop off in holyoke? Request: Printer/laptop/ and house hold stuf (Holyoke ma) Expired - Looking for a printer and house hold stuff like a few rugs and also looking for any cat or dog stuff like food, toys ect. Gardening stuff like pots and pans maybe a bag of dirt no longer needed and gardening tools and home indoor and outdoor decor not wanted anymore thanks drop off in holyoke Request: 2 Booster seats/L to XL dog crate (Holyoke ma) Expired - Looking for two car boster seats that some one is getting rid of and a L to XL dog crate and willing to drop off in holyoke thanks Request: Small book shelf/plant stands/pots (Holyoke ma) Expired - To be dropped off in holyoke if anyone has any they are trying to get rid of also looking for any house plants anyone doesn't want anymore starting a little garden set up on my porch and looking for any plants that need a good home. Request: Dvds (Holyoke ma) Received - Looking for DVDs no one wants or needs anymore that can be dropped off in holyoke
Request: Outdoor decor/garden supplies (Holyoke ma) Expired - Looking for out door decor and gardening supplies that anyone is trying to get rid of would need dropped off in holyoke because I do not have a car at the moment also looking for kitchen stuff like pots and pans and cups anything helps thank you Request: House hold goods (Holyoke ma) Received - Pots pans ect. Also looking for out door lights, decor or furniture that anyone is looking to get rid of and searching for some indoor or out door rugs, table or floor lamps thank you Request: Cat and dog supplies (Holyoke ma) Expired - Anything is helpful Request: Air conditioner (Holyoke ma) Received - Window or portable