A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: A dog onesie for an adult (Hawne B63) - For Beacon for the blind charity. We are in Halesowen but far from the normal footfall. I am a new volunteer that is happy to dress up like a dog and hand out leaflets. People forget us because we are past the normal high street and have no idea the brilliant stuff we have. Cheaper than most of the charity shops and the quality is second from none. Request: Working hoover (Hawne B63) Withdrawn - For a charity shop. Our sorting room needs vacuuming regularly but there is no brush attachment to our Henry and it's killing our backs If anyone has the brush for Henry or just a robust hoover we would be greatful. We are all getting on a bit! Request: Small black storage stool. (Hawne B63) - Need to store my partner's medication in for easy access. Halesowen and local areas pls. Request: Kitchen stool (Hawne B63) - Has anyone got a high stool that they no longer want. Fold up ideally. My back hurts when I stand up too long in the kitchen for long periods. Local to Halesowen pls. Free: 2x IKEA DVD/ VD rotating cabinets (Hawne B63) Gifted - Black wood in good condition. Can be used stacked or singularly. Rotates. Request: Cat tree (Hawne B63) Expired - I am looking for a large cat tree as my cats are destroying my furniture. It needs to be large as I have 3. If anyone is getting rid of one I would be greatful. Request: Small white Xmas trees (Hawne B63) Expired - If anyone is changing theirs and has one to get rid of I would love yo take it off your hands. Need it for a snowy window display. Request: Anything I can use as fake snow! (Hawne B63) Expired - Needed for a window display! Request: Genuine Lego (Hawne B63) Expired - For my neighbour who had hers stolen Request: 4 Garden slabs (Hawne B63) Expired - My garden brolly keeps blowing over and am worried that it will hit next doors fence. Request: Any dolls house furniture or people. (Hawne B63) Expired - Putting a dolls house together for one of the neighbours little girl. Free: Joblot of DVDs (Hawne B63) Gifted - All must be taken no sorting.
Photo of free Joblot of DVDs (Hawne B63)
Request: Plastic Wendy house (Hawne B63) Expired - Just a small one but sturdy and safe. Request: runner bean plants (Hawne B63) Expired - Everywhere seems to be sold out. Trying to grow fruit and veg as it is so expensive. Request: A piece of drain pipe about 4ft (Hawne B63) Expired - I want to try and grow one enormous carrot. Request: A garden hoe (Hawne B63) Received - If anyone has a spare one as I have just had mine stolen from the front of the house. Not worried about the condition as long as it works. Request: A water butt (Hawne B63) Expired - Don't want to waste water and have many plants. Request: Small freezer (Hawne B63) Expired - Mine does not freeze as well