A Members' Posts

Offers Β andΒ  Requests
Request: any girls clothes (Thornton co) - Needing girls summer clothes sizes 7-9 and I really need shoes, sandals. Size 3&4. If anyone could help me that would be awesome!! And very appreciated 😊 please email me. Request: Gifted music keyboard (Thornton co) Withdrawn - Gifted/donated Request: Donated music keyboard (Thornton co) Withdrawn - Gifted Request: Keyboard (Thornton co) Withdrawn - If anyone is donating a keyboard please message me first. My daughter really needs a new keyboard for lessons. And I can't get her one in time. If anyone can help please message me πŸ™πŸΌ Request: New to Thornton (Thornton co) Expired - Hi πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Im new to Thornton Co and I was hoping I could be the one to take any gently used household items off of your hands. Things like silverware, cups, plates, plants, rugs....ect. I have two daughters ages 6&8 if you have any items they would like please feel free to contact me here or at 719-999-9786 you can send me a text. Anything offered is very much appreciated. After all we have been through we are very greatful for it all. Request: baby & kids items & clothing (Thornton co) Expired - Hi guys πŸ‘‹πŸΌ I was hoping I could find some free 18 month old items as well as free 8 year old girl, and 6 year old girl clothing or other baby or kid items. I am a single mother of three and a grandmother. I am not able to work like I use to because I have two autoimmune disorders. So I am hoping that we can possibly get some donations. Thank you to anyone considering helping me. Be blessed. Request: cat items (Thornton co) Expired - Hi neighbors πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Anybody have FREE cat items? Cat tree, cat toys, litter, food, litterbox? Request: Various urns (Thornton co) Expired - Hi neighbors! Does anyone have any gently used shelves, desk, dressers, furniture, kitchen items, hangers, curtains they would like to get ride of? If so shoot me a message and I can come and take them off your hands. Request: chairs (Thornton co) Expired - Hi guys any one have any free bar stools or regular chairs? Please let me know Request: girls clothing size 8 (Thornton co) Expired - Hi guys! Anyone have any free girls clothing size 8? Please let me know Request: clothing (Thornton co) Expired - Hi guys! Anyone have free women's clothing size 3 or 4? Please let me know Request: Cat Items (Thornton co) Expired - Hi guys! Anyone have any free cat items? Cat tree, cat toys, cat scratchers, cat food, or cat litter? Please let me know