Glass Jug W/ Working Bottom Spigot (San Francisco, Twin Peaks)

Hello kombucha brewers here in San Francisco, Happy and prosperous 2024. I'm looking for a clear glass jug / jar with the capacity of about a gallon with a working - non leaking spigot near the bottom for brewing and dispensing kombucha. To give you an idea of what I'm looking for, this glass jug - jar is what you might see at a buffet or picnic to dispense, wine, water, iced tea or lemonade etc, failing that, it looks like the receptacle with the spigot near the bottom of an old fashioned water cooler that holds the water ready for dispensing from the 5 gallon upturned water bottle. I'v also posted a photo of what I'm l;ooking for as reference. You slide your glass under the spigot and dispense your brew. A jug like this allows dispensing the brew without tipping your brewing jug / jar and disturbing the fragile SCOBY. I've got the SCOBY, now all I need is a brewing - dispensing jug - jar. Hopefully there are some generous kombucha brewers here in San Francisco that have an extra clean glass brewing - dispensing jug - jar with a working - non leaking spigot near the bottom they're not using and are willing to pass on to another kombucha brewer. I've heard kombucha is good for gut issues and I'd like to brew my own and save some money. By brewing your own kombucha, you avoid additives and extra sugar that are often in commercial kombucha. I hope to hear from some of the generous kombucha brewers and generous folks out there passing on their still usable, unneeded or unwanted items to others who can use them, Thanks,
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