aquarium supplies! see caption (forest hills)

hello!! i recently just got into the hobby of freshwater aquariums through someone very close to me having some. currently i am cycling a tank to get ready for shrimp. i have some supplies, but wanted to ask around if anyone had any extra things laying around to give away ^^
things im looking for :
- aquarium sand / non gravel substrates
- tap conditioner
- fish pellets / ammonium chloride
- gravel vac / turkey baster
- plant trimmings, all types / kinds
- drift wood / spider wood / rocks
- any small lamps or lights non usb
- 2+ ( 250+ oz ) gallon glass vases / jars
also reach out if youre a shrimp or snail breeder, or know any local petsores in nyc besides big brands like petco/petsmart so i can support locally. thanks so much! im very excited to start 🥰
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