Free stuff near Morris County, New Jersey

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Request: Working VHS player (Somerville area) Seeking a working VHS player to transfer my old VHS tapes to an electronic format
Free: Cook Books (Flanders, Drakestown Rd.) Have about 70 cook books of many world ethnic groups and regions in America. Colonial recipes. Some on healthy diets. Pick and choose.
Free: Brake pads (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) These pads are for a 1st generation Ridgeline and should fit model years 2009-2014 (possible they could fit earlier years). I was doing the brake job myself, installed these on the front wheels, drove them for about 500 miles but ended up removing them because I was not able to complete the rear wheels myself - so I brought the truck to a shop to complete all four wheels using their own brake pads. There are four pads and mounting clips in the box.
Photo of free Brake pads (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) #1
Photo of free Brake pads (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) #2
Free: Candles (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) One was never lit. The other was lit for a few minutes. The wax has a very light scent (not sure if they give off a scent when burning).
Photo of free Candles (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) #1
Free: Pressure / Power washer wand (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) This was used a few times, then the power washer motor died. This handle / wand could work with any high pressure hose. It is a MATCC 4000 PSI Spray gun, 19" extension wand.
Photo of free Pressure / Power washer wand (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) #1
Free: Gas primer ball for string trimmer (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) This is new, never used. Made for a Ryobi gas weed wacker / grass trimmer. Maybe it would work on other models.
Photo of free Gas primer ball for string trimmer (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) #1
Free: cutting boards (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) These were retired from kitchen use. I kept them in my shop for miscellaneous uses like mixing adhesives or cutting things. I realized I had too many for my needs.
Photo of free cutting boards (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) #1
Free: Air chuck (tire inflator) (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) I used this with my compressor. The analog gauge came off when I dropped it, however, it does not leak and still works well. You would just need to use a separate pressure tester to verify the fill pressure you want to achieve.
Photo of free Air chuck (tire inflator) (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) #1
Free: Webster dictionary (Randolph NJ) Good condition.
Photo of free Webster dictionary (Randolph NJ) #1
Free: Letter size Expanding File (Annandale, NJ) 26 pockets...sorry, no tab labels. Cross posted. Driveway pickup in Annandale, NJ.
Photo of free Letter size Expanding File (Annandale, NJ) #1
Photo of free Letter size Expanding File (Annandale, NJ) #2
Free: Dog Bed (Randolph) Friends Offerings Large wicker basket type dog bed. In good condition. Nice custom cushion. Please mention what town you are from. ty
Free: Quickbooks Desktop Pro 2018 CD (Clifton, NJ) CD with product code.
Free: Cat litter deodorizer - 4 boxea (Metuchen NJ) Arm &hammer cat litter deodorizer. 4 boxes.
Photo of free Cat litter deodorizer - 4 boxea (Metuchen NJ) #1
Free: Custom farm style desk (Ringwood) 72 x 42 L shaped with right hand return; all wood. Available immediately for pickup.
Photo of free Custom farm style desk (Ringwood) #1
Photo of free Custom farm style desk (Ringwood) #2
Photo of free Custom farm style desk (Ringwood) #3
Request: Sewing machine (Hawthorne) If anyone has a sewing machine, I would love to give it a good home. Please make sure it works . Thanks.
Request: VINYL RECORD ALBUMS and 45s (Nutley, NJ) Hello. If anyone has any rockin' vintage vinyl records that you no longer use, I'd love to give them a good home. I lost my albums & 45s to a house fire a few years back and am slowly trying to rebuild my collection. Know that these are for my personal enjoyment. I especially like all types of rock, soul / R&B, reggae, and jazz. Thanks for your kindness and consideration. RZ, Nutley, NJ
Photo of VINYL RECORD ALBUMS and 45s (Nutley, NJ) #1
Request: 10 Gallon Tank (08846) Hi. On the hunt for a 10 gallon fish tank someone may not be using anymore. Thank you.
Free: Pink Victorian mirror (Near Lowe’s on Morris Ave.) Promised 27” tall by 22” wide (including frame). Diameter of mirror alone is 13”.
Photo of free Pink Victorian mirror (Near Lowe’s on Morris Ave.) #1
Photo of free Pink Victorian mirror (Near Lowe’s on Morris Ave.) #2
Free: Bag of reusable bags (Rutherford NJ) Bag of abt 10 recyclable bags.
Request: Lego or similar (Bloomfield) Looking for Lego flower bouquets and vase
Request: recumbent exercise bike (Manville) any color good condition, with bench seat NOT bike seat
Free: Music stand (Martinsville) Standard music stand
Photo of free Music stand (Martinsville) #1
Free: miscellaneous beta fish (Wood Ridge) tank decor, imagitarium H filters, rocks, fliter easy front porch pick up .. wood-ridge NJ
Photo of free miscellaneous beta fish (Wood Ridge) #1
Request: PC Parts for Student Tech Project (passaic park) Looking for any old computer parts - working or not. Motherboards, RAM, CPUs, graphics cards, hard drives welcome. Will put them to good use learning about tech.
Request: XXX Large Dog Wee Wee Pads (Morris Plains) Looking for XXX-LARGE wee wee pads. And SMALL BITES dry dog food. Thank you for taking the time to read the request. Please mention what town you are located in. ty
Request: Misc Items & Adult Santa Hats (Morris Plains) looking for LARGE & X LARGE Santa Hats. Also.... Elastic bands, Dish Rack with bottom Tray & Straight pins Please mention what town you are located in. ty
Request: Supplies for Making Jewelry (Morris Plains) Looking for glass beads (not plastic), elastic cords, etc for making jewelry for my daughters & her friends to make jewelry as a fundraiser. Please mention what town you are in. ty
Free: Soup Tureen (Morris Plains) New Soup Tureen. Great to serve your soup in! Please mention what town you are from. ty
Free: Purple tulle (East Orange) Great for crafting. Decorating.
Photo of free Purple tulle (East Orange) #1
Free: Flower arrangements (East Orange) White and purple. Faux flowers.
Photo of free Flower arrangements (East Orange) #1