Free stuff near Wild Rose, Wisconsin

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Free: Women's clothing, mostly M (Near Tenney Park) Promised Various conditions, some athletic wear, some pants, a coat, socks, purse, sweaters- take what you like and pass along the rest!
Photo of free Women's clothing, mostly M (Near Tenney Park) #1
Free: Men's clothing, mostly L/XL (Near Tenney Park) Promised Trash bag of men's clothing in various states of wear, shirts, cargo shorts, a nice jean jacket (sized M), various odds and ends.
Photo of free Men's clothing, mostly L/XL (Near Tenney Park) #1
Free: Chicco Stroller (Near East/Union & Marquette) Very nice Chicco stroller that is slightly tricky to fold and unfold. If you want a quick tutorial on how to fold/unfold it, I'd be happy to provide that if you can commit to picking up at a specific time. Stroller rolls well and has lots of storage. Easy porch pickup on the Near East side near the intersection of Union and Marquette one block north of Milwaukee St.
Photo of free Chicco Stroller (Near East/Union & Marquette) #1
Photo of free Chicco Stroller (Near East/Union & Marquette) #2
Photo of free Chicco Stroller (Near East/Union & Marquette) #3
Photo of free Chicco Stroller (Near East/Union & Marquette) #4
+2 +1
Free: Sweet Tea Mix (Dane County) Most of an opened can of Bremer Sweet Tea Mix purchased last summer. Porch pick up near the corner of Northport Dr and School Rd.
Photo of free Sweet Tea Mix (Dane County) #1
Photo of free Sweet Tea Mix (Dane County) #2
Free: Dry Cat Food (Dane County) Given to me by a family member. I'm not sure what brand it is, but my cats wouldn't eat it. Porch pick up near the corner of Northport Dr. and School Rd
Photo of free Dry Cat Food (Dane County) #1
Request: Large dinner plate or round platter (Near East/Union & Marquette) Looking for a single, unmatched, large dinner plate or round platter to put under a large plant pot. It can be any pattern or color, just not cracked (for waterproofing). Thanks for looking!
Free: 5 small light bulbs (Near Tenney Park) 2 pointy 25w bulbs and 3 C7 night light bulbs. I don't have fixtures for these; they work as far as I know.
Photo of free 5 small light bulbs (Near Tenney Park) #1
Request: Books (Green Bay) Any romance or biography
Request: Portable dishwasher (Dodge county) I'm in desperate need of a portable dishwasher. Can pick up with in reason.
Request: Circular saw (Madison, Wi) Looking for a circular saw for home improvement projects
Free: Women's health products (Madison East) I ordered both of these by mistake and they each cost upwards of 30 plus dollars but they're yours for free if you need them. One is for hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms and the other is to take if say you've had an antibiotic or something or anything to do with yeast or an imbalance vaginally. Take one, take both.
Photo of free Women's health products (Madison East) #1
Photo of free Women's health products (Madison East) #2
Request: portable clothesline (2448 4th AVE Stevenpoint 54481) Any size Any color
Request: Dining bowl (2448 4th AVE Stevenpoint 54481) Medium white color
Free: Spider-Man puzzle-2 missing pieces (Near East/Union & Marquette) 300-piece Spider-Man puzzle that’s missing 2 pieces. Comes with folded poster of the puzzle image. Maybe the pieces would be good for art projects? Or you can just use the poster and recycle the rest? Easy porch pickup near intersection of Union and Marquette Sts.
Photo of free Spider-Man puzzle-2 missing pieces (Near East/Union & Marquette) #1
Photo of free Spider-Man puzzle-2 missing pieces (Near East/Union & Marquette) #2
Request: Siding (Neenah) I’m looking for siding material for my house. If anyone has a large amount please lmk