Diapers, Toddler snacks, lego etc (Castro Valley)

If anyone has any size 6 diapers, pull ups would be even better but regular would suffice as well we would greatly appreciate it. Also any shelf stable or ready to eat food items would be stellar.

Also until we get our solar system up and functioning we're primarily without power so my son doesn't have movies or his tablet to fall back on as per usual when boredom strikes. So if anyone has any lego they want to avoid stepping on in future that their kids no longer play with, I'll take on that posibility of future excruciating foot pain and give your legos a home for my son's building amusement. Just kidding, him and I are probably equally invested in lego building haha

The company my boyfriend did a job for sent his paycheck with his name spelled incorrectly so we're in more of a pinch than usual for the next week until the check arrives again. We have been unable to refill the propane in our motorhome so any ice or ready to eat or non perishables would be appreciated as well seeing as our refrigerator is no longer keeping anything cool in any way. Back to the cooler days of boondocking on busy streets... get it... cooler... cause we're using our cooler for now. Haha thanks for reading. ✌️
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