Bags of mixed Christmas decs (Willaston CH64)

These are all used and no longer wanted. Comprises:
- set of 10 battery powered candle lights remote controlled (batteries not included, uses AA)
- Set of pretty white lights (mains with plug) sections of which don't work)
- Red crepe paper - 1 pack and some extra
- Metallic fringe garlands from Woolworths 1 gold, 1 red, still in their boxes
- Black and silver wired mantelpiece or wall garland with mains lights not working, they may just need a new fuse bulb
- Small amount of that gold stringy stuff you hang on Christmas trees
- Oasis with saucer, bauble, ribbon pine cones and a candle for making a table centre piece - add pine cones and flowers or tree cuttings etc
- Poinsettia circle to go round a candle
- Random bits of ribbon and other things
Hopefully someone can make some use of these!