old pot soil SoHm only wil help gas (Redway (SoHum))

Give me your tired, your poor, your unwanted soil! I could use a pickup truck's worth.

SoHum ONLY, not worth the gas otherwise. I'm in downtown Redway, very easy unload in driveway.

If anyone has any old soil they are throwing out anyway that isn't chock full of mites, fungal wilt, floramite or other very persistent chemical insecticide, I'll take it. Old Avid use OK (like a month ago), others not OK. Avid breaks down, floramite and the mildew-icide "cheif" or something like that don't as much and would make me very very sick. Will help with gas & also reimburse for contractor bags or you could stop by and get some. In bags prefered, preferably 1/3 to 1/2 full- I have very limited space. Unfortunately I can't help load it (bad back) but can help unload.

I could also use any old pots a gallon size or any size bigger, if your wanting to clean up your yard and just get rid of them. I could help with gathering that if your not up a 4WD or steep dirt road. My car is a wimp on gravel hills.
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