I have lots of the following cuttings, plus a few plants. All of them prefer full sun, although they’ll tolerate part-sun.
* Aeonium canariense (Canary Island Aeonium). This is a great succulent that needs no supplemental water once established. It can grow to 3 ft wide & 2 ft high within a few years. After several years it will put out a large cone-shaped cluster of yellow flowers.
https://www.gardenia.net/plant/aeonium-canariense ( https://www.gardenia.net/plant/aeonium-canariense )
* Graptopetalum (Ghost Plant). A low-growing succulent. Stick these in the ground every 6 inches or so, and they’ll fill in the area very nicely within a year or two. Great in pots too. They’ll need periodic water until established, but are then very drought hardy (although some extra water during the summer will have them looking better). I’m not sure of the exact variety, but they’re very similar to the ones pictured. Sprays of little yellow flowers during the spring.
https://www.gardenia.net/plant/graptopetalum-paraguayense ( https://www.gardenia.net/plant/graptopetalum-paraguayense )
* Senecio Mandraliscae (Blue Chalksticks). This is a very striking succulent. A single cutting will eventually grow to a 3 ft wide (it may take several years), so be careful not to plant them too close together or too close to walkways. Never gets above 1 ft high. Another great plant that needs no supplemental water once established.
https://www.gardenia.net/plant/senecio-mandraliscae-blue-chalk-stick ( https://www.gardenia.net/plant/senecio-mandraliscae-blue-chalk-stick )
* Aeonium arboreum (Tree Aeonium). I’m not certain of the variety – mine have longer, thinner green leaves with purplish edges and tips than those pictured. Probably some sort of cross or hybrid with ‘Atropurpureum’. Can eventually can grow to 3 to 5 ft high, and several feet wide. As with the others, this is very drought tolerant once established
https://www.gardenia.net/plant/aeonium-arboreum ( https://www.gardenia.net/plant/aeonium-arboreum )
* Golden Feverfew plants. Excellent drought tolerant mounding shrub with lots of little daisy-like flowers during the summer (and often spring and fall too). Another one that needs no supplemental water once established, although it will appreciate some water now and then during hot weather. Cut it back when the flowers die or when the plant gets leggy to reinvigorate.
I only have 5 of these right now (three in 4-inch pots and two in gallon pots).
https://www.gardenia.net/plant/tanacetum-parthenium-aureum-feverfew ( https://www.gardenia.net/plant/tanacetum-parthenium-aureum-feverfew )
Let me know how many cuttings you want and what day/approximate time you can make the pickup. We live in the Centerville area of Fremont.