pool table (Downers Grove, south side)

1970s Minnesota Fats brand pool table, 102” x 57”. Good condition — been under a ping pong tabletop for decades (used for sorting laundry). Please read to the end…

READY TO GO: Already prepped for moving (despite what YouTubers say, it was EASY), and it’s ready to roll out the basement door to your van or truck in the driveway. Slate is obviously heavy, but it’s in three pieces — and everything’s marked so you’ll know what-goes-where when setting up in its new home.

HANDY??? The existing felt is fine (no holes, etc.), but you can get new pool table felt online — in SO MANY colors… The ‘walnut’ laminate finish could easily be covered with a vinyl wrap (wood grain, metallic, stainless steel…), and the legs/base could use some updating. The construction of this top means you can create your own (sturdy) base and really make it your own.

Go ahead and research “reassembling a pool table” — but, know that this ‘senior’ lady did it with zero issues. Aside from the heavy lifting of the three slate pieces, the hardest part will be stapling felt to the wood frame. Stapled on the top side, it’ll just take a little time to make sure it’s taut. Note: If you reuse the felt, you can reuse the staple holes to line things up, but don’t reuse the holes.

First to commit to a pickup time gets it. Message me here — WITH YOUR PICKUP TIME OFFER — and, I’ll reply with a # so we can communicate via text.

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