Jane Austen Pamphlet (Hell's Kitchen)

About 5"x8", 37pp. a few B/W photos.
Are you the type of Austen fan that gets all goo-goo-eyed over the innumerable Austen movies and TV serials of Dear Jane's novels? If so, read on with care, pilgrim, as this may NOT be for you. This is a scholarly work about Austen's comings and goings, her to-ing and fro-ings, in a town she didn't much like, but which figured importantly* in her novels. What's in here is what some would call trivia but, Jane being rather a biggie in the literary world, merits the term minutiae: when Jane wrote letters about shopping, which plays she didn't see in June of 1799, and most riveting of all, her extremely peripheral connection to a court case involving some maternal relatives and a wily shopkeeper, for which Jane was out of town. Rich stuff indeed, and there's more.
If you want this (how can you not?), you MUST include your cell phone AND pick up when I call. I want to get this over with after no more than three messages between us, preferably two. Unfortunately, that seems to be beyond the capabilities of most TN claimants, so if you are among them, seek elsewhere.

*Here you see one of the very few correct uses of importantly; considering the deteriorating standards of our age, possibly the last in your lifetime.
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