Garden Plants - some requiring TLC (Taverham NR8)

Offered various plants. some are in large pots and will need to be collected by car.
1. Mauve Thalictrum. Not sure which variety. The flowers are are made up of a ball of thin petals
2 Veronicastrum Pink glow
3 chicory (cichorium intybus)

Also various plants needing TLC or for just using as cuttings material
Solidago x luteus 'Lemore'
Miscanthus 'Flamingo'
Penstemon Wedding Day. White flowers (slightly tender)
Penstemon Pale pink and white flowers (a good, strong do-er, and very pretty)
Salvia African Skies
Salvia Cerro Potosi (pot of cuttings taken last year, but not pruned at the right time, so rather leggy)
Salvia Neon ( " " " )
Ilex argentia marginata
Skimmia ' Kew Green' a leggy layer
If you're interested in any of these and can collect from Taverham, please get in touch. If you request plants, please look out for and respond to replies. If you only have access to freegle intermittently and so take longer than usual to reply, please say so in your request so that I know what to expect.