Grohe faucet heads - one or both (Magnuson)

One shower spray head, one kitchen spray head, specifications are below. Take one or both. I only respond to replies that provide: (1) a clear intent to pick up, (2) a window of time according to the information in my last paragraph, and (3) a first name for a label. My reply will include directions. One complete message from you, one from me, and we're done.

These still have good life in them if you have very good water pressure, which I do not. I purchased them in 2014 to replace the originals that came with my condo, and noticed an increase in water delivery, so I've replaced them again, because even with our soft water these get some scale buildup over the years. I regularly wiped the little rubbery nubs to keep those clear. I've scrubbed these, soaked their insides in vinegar, and gave them a final sanitizing soak with hydrogen peroxide, so they are as clean as I can get them.

For the shower: Grohe "Relexa Top 4 Hand Shower - 4 Sprays" attaches to any existing shower hose for a hand-held faucet - universal snap-in/out hose adapter is included.

For the kitchen: Grohe "46 298 LC0 Ladylux Plus Handspray" this one is designed to work with an existing Grohe faucet mount with the pull-out hose. the faucet model was also called the LadyLux (dating from at least 20 years ago?) although I believe, based on Amazon reviews, that there are some other Grohe kitchen models that this particular faucet head will work with, where the design of the faucet handle and base might be somewhat different between models, but the mount where the hose goes is the same.

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