I have a box of computer bits. May be useful for hobbyist and some may be useful for teaching IT. Needs to go quick and needs to go complete not in seperate parts. Otherise will be taking it to dump. If someone only wants some of the items, they can repost the remains but I need it out of the way and really don't want to dump it if possible:
300Mbps wireless dual band router
2 wired Xbox 360 controllers
1 wired gaming hand keyboard
1 wireless palm keyboard with touchpad
2 GTX 460 video boards, can be set up in SLI
1 Inno 3D video card
Small portable usb mouse, retractable cord
Old style iphone charger
All were fully functional when last used.
Computer stuff (Chirk Bank LL14)
This offer has been gifted to someone and is no longer available.