Christmas Cards and other stuff (Elmhurst: Rt. 83 & North Ave.)

Elmhurst near North Avenue and Route 83. Please indicate which item(s) you are interested in:

1. About 50 Christmas cards - these are from various charities, some are marked with the charity name, others are not.
2. Six kits to make cute reindeer earrings - from Oriental Trading Company.
3. Eight contact lens cases - the free ones packaged with contact lens solution
4. Hospital-issue roll-on deodorant
5. String "necklace" that holds a pen of your choice - never misplace your pen again!
6. Six small party hats (see picture)
7. Two ornaments - very pretty but tarnished and I do not have time to deal with them (see pictures)
8. Open package BUNN 12-cup coffee filters - probably 200 in the package. (see picture)
9. Open package 4-oz plastic portion cups - at least 175 cups in package (see picture)