2 roughly 1.5 ft tall dormant bare root crape myrtle saplings.
Received as a free part of a larger shipment of trees, but I don't want them. If no one takes them by Saturday, I will kill them and throw them in the compost pile.
These should be planted ASAP. They are dormant now, but they should begin to grow in the spring. To plant, according to the instruction manual I received:
- Carefully separate the roots.
- Soak the roots in water for 3-6 hours.
- Dig a hole the height of the root ball and roughly double its width.
- Remove grass in a 3ft diameter centered around the hole and turn up the soil to allow for root growth.
- Put the root ball in the hole and backfill.
2 crape myrtles (King of Prussia)
This offer has been gifted to someone and is no longer available.