Bugaboo comfort transport bag (East Dulwich, SE22)

Bugaboo transport bag.
Like this one, but the black and red version:

Can be used when travelling with the following pushchairs:
    Bugaboo Ant
    Bugaboo Bee (2007 model)
    Bugaboo Bee (2010 model)
    Bugaboo Bee 3
    Bugaboo Bee 5
    Bugaboo Bee 6
    Bugaboo Buffalo
    Bugaboo Cameleon (2007 model)
    Bugaboo Cameleon 3
    Bugaboo Cameleon 3 plus
    Bugaboo Donkey
    Bugaboo Donkey 2
    Bugaboo Donkey 3
    Bugaboo Donkey 5
    Bugaboo Dragonfly
    Bugaboo Fox
    Bugaboo Fox 2
    Bugaboo Fox 3
    Bugaboo Fox 5
    Bugaboo Fox Cub
    Bugaboo Lynx

We got this from another trashnothing user, but we have one of the smallest bugaboo pushchairs, so it's too big for us to store.

It has a small tea, which the previous owners repaired, but otherwise is in great condition and fully usable.

Please state a date and time you can collect from East Dulwich, SE22.