Kit for yarn dyeing (Handsworth S9)

All my now unwanted dyeing kit. It includes a painted yarn dyeing kit - unused - which has dyes,yarn, full instructions etc. Ideal for a beginner. The bundle also includes a large stainless steel pot for stove top dyeing; a small slow cooker which will dye a single skein; a glass dish for microwave dyeing; some small jars for storing leftover dye; a set of acid dyes with instructions and a quantity of Kool Aid which makes excellent, very safe, dyes. There are also some tools and accessories to make the process easier. Please note, none of this equipment should be used for cooking, only for dyeing. Some dyes - such as the acid based ones - are toxic. Advice on dyeing can be easily found on the Internet, in addition to the included instructions. I will add that I have done all my dyeing in my kitchen following appropriate safety procedures - mostly good ventilation, protecting surfaces and not using cooking utensils. Check the Internet for more advice.