Canned Goods, Non-Perishable Foods

I have MANY cans of food, in various stages of expiration/best by dates. At least 2 households were purging supplies. Some are JUST passed their dates (evaporated milk, e.g.), and some have 2024 dates. Some are older, as well.
Having a GREAT distaste for wasted food, I took it on, but have too much to store/consume in a reasonable amount of time.

Please reply with assurance that you realize that its best buy/expiration dates may be past. You can take what you like, and I will go on to the next person.
I'll probably group them by date (a year at a time), to help.
I'll also put out other non-perishables, unneeded from food distributions.

Phone number & approximate pick-up availability is appreciated.

Anne in Newark
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