Two smartphones (Rochester)

I need two older smartphones that are not broken and still function. One would go to a nursing home resident and will be used for phone calls only via a sim card or wi-fi only (e.g., google voice or similar voip app), so low value and no bells and whistles are good things. The other phone would go to a young girl who likes to take pictures, watches youtube and kidstube and plays some games /educational apps. She had a Samsung Galaxy S4 but within the last several months it became completely obsolete.

I prefer factory unlocked phones but I can deal with a factory locked phone as well. For an Android phone, it has to be no older than 7 years, and for an iphone something no earlier than 2016-2015 for a release day would probably work for the above purposes.

I appreciate to everyone who responded and helped me with the phones in the past. They go to a good cause. I will pick up.