Mini tradescantia houseplants (Hatfield AL10)

Strictly speaking I don't know what these are, but their leaves and trailing growth habit are like small version of a common tradescantia / purple hearts / wandering dude (see other post) so I assume they are a different species/variety of that.

A kind freecycler gave me the mature plant in one photo and I took some cuttings which are now ready to pass on individually. They are lovely, but there's only so many tradescantias I can keep!

They are tender perennial houseplants, very easy to grow and root very easily from cuttings. They have interesting variegated leaves, almost sparkly in the sun and contrasting purple backs. I think they cope quite well with relatively low light.

People grow them as houseplants. You could probably put them outside in the summer, but they would definitely not survive the winter, so you would take them back inside in autumn. Or just keep them inside all year round.

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