Tomato cuttings, rooted (Hatfield AL10)

Reposting - I have some cuttings taken a couple of weeks ago with nice vigorous healthy roots growing *in water, not as the picture - those are gone*. Take some home and pot them up into nice compost and they will grow away fast. Probably about now is the last time of year starting from cuttings would get you a crop, so don't delay.

It's said that cuttings fruit much quicker than plants from seeds - about the same time as their parent plant - so it should not be too late to start from cuttings now. Some of them already have flowers. They should grow away fast if you keep them in a sunny place, water and pot them into bigger pots as they grow.

I didn't keep track of the varieties, so they are a random selection from Sungold, Sun Baby, Outdoor Girl, Gardener's delight, Costoluto di Firenze & Red Cherry. All are cordon/indeterminate/"standard" varieties (=not bush varieties). Mostly 2 per pot. I will offer to several people if there is demand.

Tomatoes are one plant slugs usually do not touch. They love the sun we suddenly seem to have...

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