We decided to go ahead and upgrade to a slightly deeper pool. This will need a couple things before being usable, but is definitely a lot cheaper than buying new. Must be picked up this week - otherwise probably try to sell in yard sale the following week).
Intex 26723EH 15ft x 42in Prism Frame Above Ground Swimming Pool Set original purchase 2020
[REQUIRED] New pool liner needed. The liner it came with lasted 3 years before small leaks became harder to patch. Look up on youtube - there are some brands other than intex that are thicker and require less frequent patching.
[OPTIONAL] filter and pump is unused + 4 years old, I bought a sand filter (highly recommend, pays for itself in 2 years - this or compatble https://www.amazon.com/Intex-26679EG-Krystal-Saltwater-Filter/dp/B07TN3JQ2P) and using these instead of the sand, seem to work better and cleaning is less annoying: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CR1DDFYG
leaf catcher https://www.amazon.com/Intex-Deluxe-Mount-Surface-Skimmer/dp/B00178IMPO no problems with this
To my knowledge there are no missing parts or washers for the various hoses, if there are it is most likely going to be replacing a rubber washer or two.
basket that attaches to frame
[OPTIONAL] frame is a little rusty from the salt water pool, especially on the ends. This could use a sand and repaint with rustoleum to last longer. I did this every other year and no issues.
[OPTIONAL] salt water chlorinator - I believe this just needs a new gfci connector. I bought this one to replace the one that went out on my filter (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DWNCQG2) - my fault on this one, left it out unplugged on the deck for a couple weeks during storms. The filter I have is working perfect after this replacement. Will save you a ton on chemical supplies and testing. usually ~$30 worth of salt (80ish pounds) will do for the whole season. Salt does not evaporate, no extra chemicals required. No chemical shock required. Better on skin, hair, eyes, environment.
intex 15x42 pool (needs new liner) (Barcroft)
Collection Times
driveway pickup arrange in advance
driveway pickup arrange in advance