Got Sunburn? FREE ALOE LEAVES (Hollenbeck/Alberta)

CURB ALERT! Free Aloe leaves in a box on the curb outside 1584 Hollenbeck Avenue in Sunnyvale across the street from Serra Park. I just trimmed the Aloe plant at our apartment complex. Take what you need.

Great for sunburns, skin irritations, dryness, and even sprains & bruises to heal faster. For sprains or bruises, you can cut the leaf lengthwise (so that it is an exposed flat area)… place the exposed aloe meat directly onto your skin and use Saran Wrap to keep it in place. Leave it on for as long as possible. When I had ripped my plantar fascia on the bottom (arch area) of my foot a couple years ago, I had purple bruising for 2-3 weeks that didn’t change or improve. A friend recommended me to try this, so I left it on overnight while I was asleep (total time of 14 hours) and when I took it off it was pruney-looking from the moisture… but after it dried, I saw the purple had finally changed to a brown healing color and I was able to heal in 5 weeks instead of the typical 9 weeks.
Collection Times
Anytime. It’s on the curb.