Hi there. My son and i had to start over recently. We are staying with my mom temporarily and left with basically nothing but a few bags of clothing and major essentials. We have none of his toys or books here. We are in need of summer clothing sizes between 5 and 7 as he is too small for most 7 clothing (he is only 45 pounds soaking wet and eats like a horse!). Any age appropriate toys and books etc would be welcomed. Any and all items, suggestions or resources appreciated. Food insecurity is also an issue right now. Looking for work atm as well.
I was asked to update with his age and my clothing size by someone who responded to this post. He is 7 years old and i am 35 and a size Medium to Large. I can fit some size extra large clothing depending on what it is as well.
Thanks again. Mama and Rory Panda