19” electric mulching mower B&D (Finksburg)

Black and Decker cordless electric mower.
The Good:
- Sharpened blade just installed and two spares that need to be sharpened.
- Great mulching mower for leaves and grass, that’s why I still have it

The not-so-good:
- One day the key that has to be in it for it to run stopped fitting, so now a piece of copper wire has to be stuck into the red and green sockets for it to run. Also, to charge the battery the green and white sockets get stuck directly into the charging cable.
- Critters ate holes in the mulching bag. Duct tape was my first thought but then I stuck a reusable shopping bag over the bag and it works great. It stays on without adjustment while mowing and even when emptying the bag.

The battery runs for at least 40 minutes, I’ve been keeping track the last few days, since I rigged it up to use it again before parting with it.

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