Hous mini & big item (Morley)

Hello plese I need help to reciv free items from all& kind peopl for a new empty/ufurnish hous I move to as I had rough time& am start a new.thank in advanc.
(i curently sleep on carpet but i spread a duvet on floor for warm& my back,alsomy flat face the car park reson i plead for curtain/blinds) I boght few tins but I need help.plese becaus of traspot cost or move cost of large/heavy items I'll colect one aftre another becaus my house has staircase so I need to pay for man& removal for heavy tins as am a tiny lady thenks.
plese I need matress,bed Base,curtain rods/ropes,curtains or blinds,hoover,
(a litle story evrytin went downhill aproximat a year ago had to sleeprough,almost groped in the night etc but I had esential becaus have gott helth condition which can get extreme severe with cold wether& and have got cold wether clothes, jacket,boots which I bought 4-5yrs ago while working & i consciously wash&care for my stuff so if i wear them now i DIDN'T buy them recently ,also I don't wear outside clothes in the house I change to indoor cloth so my stuff last long,I read labels on washguides & even equipmet like tablet,blender etc I keep their package box they came with but ufortunate I had to dispose things have bought due to situation so am just starting over & repaying things I boght on instalmet, I pay for storage unit, (am a secondary carer to my child but there are tins have got to buy with my money)
plese I need matress,bed Base,curtain rods/ropes,curtains or blinds,hoover,)
I pay phone bills,iternetbills,groceries&now added is gas&electric bill,coucil tax,TV licence,water) am also trying to setup a side gig but as a Lone peson am have to do one thing at a time.sorry for the story.
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