Pretty purplish blue flowers beloved of bees (and people). One of the most easy going flowers to grow. Variety unknown (to me) but this is one of the good ones which will flower in several flushes all through the growing season, starting in early summer. Each time it runs out of steam, cut it right down and it will make fresh new leaves and flowers. Fine in containers. Wants sun but will tolerate a bit of shade. Fine on my sticky wet clay. Not troubled by pests.
Fully hardy herbaceous perennial (comes back from its roots every year). Makes a small mound/clump of leaves in the summer with stems. A good strong grower - the clump will slowly get larger and stronger but does not noticeably seed around. You can dig up the whole clump (as I did this spring) or take chunks out to divide up into new plants. I have a few to give away to different people.
These are "hardy geraniums" aka cranesbills aka "blue geraniums" (even when they're not blue). NOT pelargoniums which are frost tender and are confusingly also called geraniums.
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Hardy blue geraniums (Hatfield AL10)
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